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Pinot Grigio


White Meat ( like. Chicken, Turkey, Guinea Fowl etc.) are for sure the best backup food to pair with Pinot Grigio, because of its delicate texture and soft flavor.  

It pair well quite with all the classical seafood (baked, grilled fish, a fry up, etc) but, thanks to its freshness and sapidity it shines with delicate dish (ex. sushi, shellfish, swordfish or seabass carpaccio, etc).

Cow’s milk helps to bring out some of the sweeter flavors in Pinot Grigio (Brie, Gruyere, Mozzarella, Parmigiano Reggiano). Sheep’s milk (Gouda, Roquefort, Manchego, Fleur du Marquis, Etorki) tends to help accentuate the more earthy and mineral tones of it.



The whole berries are pressed gently in a pneumatic press. After a first racking, the must is transferred to temperature-controlled fermentation still vats. The wine stayed on the lees for all of its life before bottling.

It is absolutely our best-seller.
Clarification of the musts made with a new “state of the art” flowtation bio-system. Malo-lactic partially done. Bottled under vacuum.

Bouquet is very pleasant with a good array of varietal aromas such as pear Williams, banana, apricot and Acacia flowers. Taste is reminiscent of pear syrup and quince peel. Good acid balance good body and long finish. Mature wines have a bouquet of toasted almonds and straw.

Corked with composite DIAM corks or Screwcaps (STELVIN) … your choice !

Serve at 12° C.

(250.000 bottles produced)

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Light pasta dishes, Since this wine is fairly acidic itself, it is recommended to avoid pairing it with foods that have high acid contents, like citrus fruits or tomato-based recipes. Perfect for pairing with a medley of fresh herbs and veggie options.

Keep in Touch !

33050 Piazza Battisti 1, Ontagnano, Udine - Italy

Tel +39 0432.928633   -    Fax +39 0432.923375
Cod.Fisc. 01610640300

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